onsdag 13 juli 2016

Different name forms in Wikidata

Query http://tinyurl.com/z89a3gj

Q19643892 Wikidata name property ==>

SELECT ?p ?pLabel ?pDescription ?s  WHERE 
  ?p wdt:P31 wd:Q19643892
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
limit 100

....... Query

wd:P138named afterentity or event that inspired the subject's name, or namesake (in at least one language)
wd:P734family namesurname or last name of a person
wd:P735given namefirst name or another given name of this person. Values used with the property shouldn't link disambiguations nor family names.
wd:P742pseudonymalias used by someone or by which this person is universally known
wd:P1448official nameofficial name of the subject in its official language(s)
wd:P1477birth namefull name of a person at birth, if different from their current, generally used name (samples: John Peter Doe for Joe Doe, Ann Smith for Ann Miller)
wd:P1533family name identical to this first namelast name that is the same as a given first name. Use on items for given names.
wd:P1549demonymdemonym for people or things associated with a given place. In English, this should start with a Capital letter. Singular masculine adjective form is preferred. Add a qualifier if another form is added.
wd:P1559name in native languagename of a person in their native language
wd:P1635religious namename taken or used as a member of a religious community
wd:P1705native labellabel for the items in their official language (Q23492) or their original language (P364)
wd:P1782courtesy namename bestowed upon a person at adulthood in addition to one's given name, mostly in East Asia
wd:P1785temple namename bestowed to a monarch after death (East Asia)
wd:P1786posthumous namename given to a person after death (East Asia)
wd:P1787art-nametype of pseudonym traditionnally adopted by writers and artists in East Asia
wd:P1813short nameshort name of a place, organisation, person etc.
wd:P1814name in kanathe reading of a Japanese name in kana
wd:P1888Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources entryentry in the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources
wd:P2358Roman praenomenstandard part of the name of a Roman, link to items for specific Roman praenomen only.
wd:P2359Roman nomen gentiliciumstandard part of the name of a Roman, link to items about the Roman gens only
wd:P2365Roman cognomenstandard part of the name of a Roman, link to items about specific Roman cognomen only.
wd:P2366Roman agnomenoptional part of the name of a Roman, link to items about specific Roman agnomen only.
wd:P2561namename the subject is known by. If a more specific property is available, use that.
wd:P2562married namename or surname adopted by a person upon marriage

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